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Hi I'm Marlon_Unjaded, I have a podcast and we'll be reviewing your game. I played a bit and love it so far! Our channel is here: (15) Rarely Typical Players - YouTube and we also stream on twitch! the podcast is likely to are on 12/18!

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Hey there! Awesome! Thanks for telling us and thanks for reviewing our game! We look forward to it! :D

Finished the demo! Like I said earlier, its really good, I like the characters and the combat is very satisfying. All around really good

I feel sometimes the visuals kinda get in the way of the game sometimes. The maps are pretty, but a big chunk is solid objects that will block navigation. The forest I understand, make navigation a puzzle.

Honestly my complaints mostly apply to the Farm Estate. I jump in the water and the 3 solid objects in that pond end up blocking my way out when theyre just there for detail.

Also got stuck there until i finally noticed the Barn door guide arrow, which was frustrating because every other door was shown through the level design so i didnt even use the arrows much.

But I only point all this out cuz its the one frustration in a very well made experience. Again the battles, characters, music, all very fun. I am absolutely going to keep track of you all and where this project goes. Wish you best of luck!

Again, thank you very much! :) I understand about the navigation blocking and I'll look into that. I check the water blocking on the Farm Estate as well. I understand about the Barn door, and I will think of some other indication that you can go there. Thank you very much for your feedback! Please leave the game a rating :)

Oh thank you, almost forgot to leave one! No worries, like i said small little issues, games great overall!

Loving the demo! Music and spritework is really cool, wasnt expecting to like the characters as much as I have, cuz im the kinda person that likes always playing the shining knight in contrary to the dedication hehe

I'm not quite finished just yet, but wanted to leave a comment now before I forgot.

Looooove the Breath of Fire isometric battle camera, and the battles themselves are real fun!

I do hope whatever party members are planned include some more non-human folk to fit the whole demon lord thing, but I just like non-human party members lol

Ran into a bug where I was at the bandit commander bossfight and Yoko's Limit Break crashed the game with an error about how it couldn't find the file or something, not sure on the specific phrasing. My second attempt let her use it without issue though

Overall wishing you the best with development, this is rad! Get back to ya once ive finished the demo

Hey there! Glad you like the demo so far! Thank you very much for all the praise! :) There will be non-human party members. We are aware of that bug, it has something to do with the cache overloading and seems to happen mostly to players which computers have lower RAM. May I ask how much RAM your PC has?

system says that 15 GB is usable, but i was playing for maybe an hour or two when it happened?

a very "breath of fire" vibe from battle screens. good stuff. 

That's what we aimed for! :D Thank you!

Yeah! If you can manage Fou-Lu vibes I will my shirt. 

Any othwr touches inspired by the series? The way you could learn enemy moves (sometimes) by blocking 🤌 but likely it'd  be a nightmare to work in lol

This game is so damn good, it has so much attention to detail, the plot is interesting, the mechanics and animations too! All the NPCs have dialogues and we can read their thoughts. Although I was kind of weirded out that the MC has wings and never flew even though he needed it, so I loved the final battle while he was flying

I also loved the prologue of the game, and all that mysterious and mythical atmosphere while the credits were rolling.

 Thanks! Is there any stipulation of when the game will be released? I definitely want to buy it!

PS although I would like to be able to save more often! Whenever there are elections I like to choose everything haha. And a guide! so I can complete all the missions and know which missions are available. Thanks again! it was very enjoyable to play this

Thank you very much for all the praise! We are very happy you liked the game so much! ;) We've heard the wish of a few people to give Dark the ability to fly at players will and of course that would be a cool feature, but that would be diffcult to implement and we would need on so much things just to accomplish that Dark can fly at players will and basically land wherever he wants. I have noted that feature, but it has no priority right now. 

We have no ETA yet on the full release. The demo includes only the first chapter of 12...^^ So you can probably imagine how much work we still have before us. We plan to build a bigger team to speed up development while still keeping the quality of the game. We hope for crowdfunded support of the fans to enable us to hand out lots of commissions at once and pay other developers to work with us so the progress becomes way faster. We hope for support on Patreon for that, but we also may start a Kickstarter campaign sometime. Thankks for playing! Consider rating the game! ;)

Greetings, Kias

I played this game on stream as part of a roulette of indie games. I ended up playing it for way longer than the normal 1hr I give for games. I can honestly say that this was a treat in quality for the 2hrs I got into it. I have only the few things to note.

-Controller function should be native. It's good you incorporated something with it to help with mapping the controller to work with it, but it may be better overall to just have the controller natively work with it.

-In the English version, there are moments in the intro/prologue movie where if you are in Windowed version, the words cut off on the edges but this does not happen in Fullscreen. I think this also happens with one or two text boxes during gameplay in Windowed vs Fullscreen.

-No other notes, the rest has been wonderful in regards to sound, graphics, UI and so on. Love the battle system and everything else so far! Definitely looking forward to playing more.

Thank you very much, glad you like the game! I'll watch your stream! :D

- Yeah we want to build in native controller support in the future. With VX Ace this is unfortunately not that easy to accomplish.

- We are aware of that bug regarding the prologue video and we will look into it. But that text boxes are cut off too in window mode is new to us. We'll look into it.

- Awesome! Thank you very much! I'll look out for your next stream of the game if you plan to stream the rest of the playthrough! :) Thanks for playing and your feedback!

I did play more for my stream, and I ended on it beating Corvo, tough fight by the way, but I got an error as soon as I defeated him. You may want to double check that.

-Other Notes: In Ido there is a Soldier by a tree who still speaks German/Deutsche even in English mode.

-Outside of the Bandit's base, where it's snowing before you go in, there is a moment where Dark says "Gehen Wir"

As an update, I played back through the boss fight again today during a lunch break. I beat Corvo but did not encounter the error again. So not sure what the conditions are that triggered that error.


Hey! Thanks for reporting! We are aware of that crash bug and we will work on a fix. Basically what happens is that the cache is becoming overloaded and the game crashes. It mostly happens after longer play sessions but it seems to kinda also depend on the computer itself because there are also lots of people who can play through the whole game in a row 7-8 hours without the game crashing at all. So when this happens you can just load the last autosave or regular save file and continue the game. But this is really a frustrating bug we need to get fixed. Thanks for reporting and I will continue watch your playtrough! It was fun so far! :D

Deleted 91 days ago

This is a great game and takes me back to the fun times I had playing games.

After reading the comments, I realized that you have been working hard for so long.

Thank you for your hard work! I believe this work will be seen by the whole world!

-Blessings from Asia

Thank you! :D We are glad you like the game so much! <3 -Blessings from Germany


amazingly good..thank you for creating this game. can't wait to play the full version ^^

Thank you very much! :D

hey i really like the game so far but im stuck at the elven ruin and have tried and searched everything trying to get past, any help would be appreciated

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Sure, let me help you out :) Look for cracks in the ground. You have to push the two stone blocks on them and then make Dark stand above one of the blocks. The idea is basically to put enough weight there so the ground breaks.

alright ill try that thanks

anyone else having the issue where your computer thinks the file is a virus or an untrustworthy file?

(2 edits)

Hey there! Yes, even my computer does that when I unpack the game. But there is no need to worry about it. It is most likely because of the Game.exe file which is falsely detected as a virus or untrustworthy. I promise you that there is no virus or anything suspicious. Just the game. We will look into what we can do about that. Greetings, DerKIAS

What an amazing game! Just one question, could you tell me which battle plugin you used or if you created your own? I’m thinking of making a game like this one day too, but the work must be soon!

Thank you very much :) I use TSBS for RPG Maker VX Ace by TheoAllen aka Theolized. 

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Good to see that this has been making progress, but sad to see something significant hasn't come out of it quite yet.
I couldn't work on something like this for 4+ years, so props to you for that.

You can release a somewhat unfinished demo precisely because there isn't a lot of engagement yet, no one dunks on you if they don't know about you. The people that know about this game will only increase, and so will the expectation of how good its gonna be, so its better to let down now when the expectation is low then later when its high.

If you need someone to kick you in the pants about finishing something, here's my two cents.
Mapping: Necessary
Eventing: Necessary
Lighting: Can wait
Enemies: Can wait(unless there's a key boss or enemy from the start missing)
Party-Battlers: Can wait(?)
Voice Acting: Can wait
Battle-backgrounds: Can wait
System programming: Necessary
Features: Can wait

Hope this helps, cya in another two years ;)


In case you are still interested, the demo is online now! :)


Hey, I read your previous update. Let me tell you that your game is awesome. Maybe you think that you failed as game developer, but no. Think that, even after so long, there are people like me who are still captivated by the theme of the game and by how promising it looks. There are people who still willing to play it.

Hey there! The demo is finally online! :D

Is there a download link? I don't see one.

It took a while but now the demo is online! :)

So is there going to be a public demo soon

Deleted 190 days ago

Hey there! If you are still interested: The demo is online now! :)

I am, good to know

So, is the demo slated to release anytime soon? Or should I not have any hopes? I myself am a perfectionist, so I would try to never release anything (even a demo) that wasn't the best that I could do at the time if I was in the game-making business, but a demo, even an unfinished or severely unpolished one is better than nothing, and it can even help you root out some bugs or less well designed features that you might miss yourself.

Hey there! Thanks for your interest ;) Don't worry! The game is still in development and the release of the demo is planned for the 30. of June. If you want to be up to date you can join the official Discord Server :)



Hmmm... I don't like the sound of that. I'm not sure if you've released builds after the initial ones that I've heard people talk of around 2019, but delaying the demo for as long as I've seen you while looking through comments can't be good, unless something is changing or the scope is getting bigger (which is feature creep, so still not exactly good, but at least progress is being made). Take you're time and all that, just try not to let things get out of hand.

this game looks very nice and i would love to play it.

i want to ask if you has the intention of release the demo of this game

Deleted 190 days ago

Hey there! The demo is online now! :)

This looks really nice :)

I wonder when you will re-release the demo. I am looking forward to try this for the first time.

Hey there! Thank you! :) I can't tell an exact release date right now but it will be sometime next year. I'm working really hard on the game. I want the next release to be the finished first chapter of the game with all features (for that chapter) included. I want that demo 1.0 shows the player what to expect from the whole game and because of that I don't want to release an unfinished demo. I'm making good progress but it will still take some time until the release. But hopefully it will be worth the wait ;) One thing that speeds up the development is to support me on Patreon so I can pay for the needed graphics. Since I have a really small budget monthly (less than 100$) I can only buy so much a month, so yeah that really helps. But anyway I'm getting closer and closer to finish the demo :) So stay tuned ;) 



No problem :) I am also an indie game dev(Legacy Retr0 Games is a team of 4 actually with me at the helm), and I understand wanting to make sure that your projects are up to par before releasing them to the public. I wish you all the luck in the world and will for sure try your game once its released.

Thank you very much! I wish you good luck for your projects too :) 

Hey there! If you are still interested: The new demo is online now! :)


One question. I downloaded a (demo? early version of full game?) of this a few days ago. I come back to check up on updates, and the downloadable is suddenly gone, and the itch page makes it sound as though none existed so far. Maybe I'm being nitpicky, but I have the former version of the page up in's Wayback Machine, and it definitely makes it sound like the game was an early version that would get better/more complete, whereas this one makes it sound like you're only in the earliest stages of development. The only indication a demo was ever released is the "Released" status under "More information".  Why would you want to pull a demo (the best sort  of advertisement, at least to people like me) that can show people where the game is and where it could go? It seems to me (based on your increased emphasis on the "Donate" buttons, and the tons of stuff available to Patrons) that you got tired of people not donating, and decided to redo the page in order to make it look like a hot upcoming game, as opposed to a game that was already in an early state, but needed more money to complete. (In certain venues I hang around, the road to prosperity is paved with the bones of partially-completed games that were genuinely good, but that no one cared about.) I just wanna let you know, there are people out there who care about good games. Don't feel too upset about those who only care about flashy new "major" indie games, but don't care about the movement's small roots. I'm afraid I can't donate, but I'm rooting for you all the way!

Please excuse me if I'm reading into this too much, or if it's none of my business. I just thought that you might need a word of encouragement, and ecided to go against my better judgement, which was to ignore. The world of games, even indies, is full of problems, and I'd rather try to help than create more by not caring like many others. Again, I apologize if I am overstepping my boundaries.


Hey there! :D Thank you for the encouragement! Dont worry, I didn't take down the demo because I don't get enough support or attention ;) 

I took it down because the demo is waaay outdated by now because the game has made so much steps since back then. I just feel like it isn't quite the same game anymore. Besides that I'm not at all satisfied with the old version of the demo, so I thought people could get a wrong idea of the upcoming game if they play the old outdated version you know? I'm working hard to realease  demo 1.0 this year, which will cover the first chapter of the game! So please look forward to that and stay tuned! :)



Sorry about that. I feel a bit hasty now. I run into a lot of abandoned indie games and homebrews whilst searching for obscure gems, so I guess I jumped to conclusions. Also was feeling pessimistic because of said abandoned projects. I should probably spend more time among indie games that are flourishing brightly, but very frequently, I don't like them for some reason or another. In any case, thanks for replying, and good luck to you!

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No problem, don't worry! I totally understand what you mean and how frustrating it can be. I ran into such abondoned awesome games myself and its a shame that so many promising games get cancelled. But I won't give up on my project no matter what! ;) 



Hey there! If you are still interested: The new demo is online now! :)